What is Psychophysical Healing? Psychophysical healing works on the bio-energetic field of the body. It safely releases blockages in the energy field which have been produced by mental, emotional or physical traumas. It can produce a feeling of lightness and wellbeing which follows from the freedom of the energy flowing through the whole system. Many diseases and illnesses manifest first as an imbalance in the bio-energetic field before being expressed as physical symptoms. Psychophysics has also now been utilised in many mind-body therapies such as Somatic Experiencing, the Hakomi Method, Sensorimotor Psychotherapy, Rubenfield Synergy, Integrative Body Psychotherapy and other modalities.
Can everybody be healed? Healing is a natural process which takes place when the barriers to health are removed. The role of the Psychophysical Therapist is to ensure that the energy flows so that the person can allow themselves to be well.
What can Psychophysical healing work on? Treatment can be divided into four basic types: 1. Removing the blocks due to accident and surgical shock, restoring the vitality and promoting healing of the body. 2. Building up and opening channels which have been blocked since birth or early childhood so that there channels can contain a full charge or energy. 3. The release of emotional blockages caused by traumatic events without the need to relive them. 4. Maintenance of good health by cleansing the energy of the person so that maximum well-being is encouraged.
Is it safe? Beautifully safe, no drugs, no surgery, no pain; just a smooth re-balancing of the body’s natural energies. The responsible Psychophysical Therapist will also suggest other treatment (even orthodox medicine) if warranted.
Why is it necessary to disrobe? Any metal (rings, earrings, etc) interfere significantly with the energy field. Similarly, nylon and other synthetics in fabrics, even those which claim to be cotton or wool, distort and unbalance the energy field to varying degrees. This can give a false indication of the way the energy is flowing. For modesty you will not be expected to remove your underpants.
How much does it cost? The fee is $150.00. The number of visits required can vary, most troubles however are resolved in 1 or 3 sessions. A session can last up to an hour (and occasionally longer), the fee is not subject to time taken.